
Ken Kinard, MM, CPCC, PCC

Ken grew up integrating both sides of the brain—music composition on one side, computer technology on the other. With stops at Peabody Conservatory (Masters in Computer Music Composition) and Biola University (professor of music technology and Great Books), his journey culminated in founding Accent Interactive in 1999. Ken manages the team, clarifies client strategy, and offers a long-range, cross-disciplinary perspective on marketing and communications.

He’s also a certified coach offering professional coaching for leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives. In his spare time, he’s reading 200 Great Books in 12 years and raising up the next generation of creatives through Creativity Labs.

Chief Creative Officer

  • Asks the right questions
  • Brings out potential in others
  • “Gets it” quickly, then improves it
  • Analyze and synthesize
  • Dad to four creatives

Personal Style