Display Banner “Rains” People In

As a nonprofit, Kingdom Rain relies on supporters to accomplish their mission—training Christian leaders in remote areas of the world. Setting up display booths at conferences can be a great opportunity to promote their ministry. But with all the other organizations that also vie for people’s attention, how could Kingdom Rain stand out?

Kingdom Rain had already seen success in the website and print materials we had created for them, so they came to us for their display banner. Our creative challenge was to design a banner that would draw people in for a closer look, demonstrate Kingdom Rain’s mission, and develop a consistent marketing brand for them.

Kingdom Rain Banner

The Banner Beckons

The 80” tall banner piques interest from afar with captivating design elements. Once you’re up close, your eye flows down the banner like rain. We achieved this through using:

  • Geometric shapes at descending angles
  • Rain drops falling down the banner
  • Sophisticated images (alternating between color and monochrome)
  • Dramatic contrasts between light and dark

Result: The banner attracts attention from a distance, draws people to the booth, and keeps them interested from close up.

Message at a Glance

We wanted to communicate the essence of Kingdom Rain’s mission with the fewest number of words. At first glance, you can tell Kingdom Rain serves outside of North America.

  • The header reflects Middle Eastern shapes
  • The photos show cultural diversity
  • The background image is a subtle world map
  • The words are concise, from the tagline at top to the blocks of simple content along the sides

Result: The message is suited to the medium of the banner, which is meant to visually show what the organization is about. This gives Kingdom Rain opportunities to talk with people who are interested in learning more.

Consistent Branding

To create a consistent marketing brand for Kingdom Rain, we repurposed some of the photos and design elements from their website and brochures.

Result: If people see Kingdom Rain’s display banner, look at their printed materials, and visit their website, they get a consistent experience that builds trust and increases the likelihood of them engaging more.

Increased Booth Traffic

Kingdom Rain loved their banner and were excited to have it at their booth. “I’ve been to a lot of conferences in my lifetime and seen a lot of banners,” said the founder of Kingdom Rain. “This is the best banner I’ve ever seen.”

If you want to attract potential clients or supporters at a conference, then it starts with having alluring display materials. We’ll help you design whatever you need to get people interested in your work.